Sunday 19 October 2008

Re-Launch of The R.A.F.S.

I have been working hard with the folks living in Stantonbury over the last few month and I am please to say we are now on the countdown to the re-launch of the
Residence Association For Stantonbury.
So let the countdown begin.

10 - or more people would like to see better landscaping in their area.

9 - is the number of people needed for the RAFS

8 - residents from Ashfield came to the meetings.

7 - children would like the " Blue Park " up-dated and made safe.

6 - youths would like to see things happening for them.

5 - people from Kersey attended the meetings.

4 - is the number of meetings I have arranged.

3 - residents from Redbridge, 3 from Melton, 3 from Burnet
came along to the meetings.

2 - folks from Mason, 2 from Cawarden, 2 from Lincoln,
2 from Fowler attended the meetings.

1- resident from Crosslands, 1 from Jennings, 1 from Stowe Court,
1 from Jacobs Close, 1 from Rowle Close, attended the meetings.

0 - attendance from Ormande, Stantonbury Fields, Westhill,
Rosendale, Walshes Manor, Kents Road.

LIFT OFF ++ is on Tuesday 21st October 2008 ++ LIFT OFF
Christ Church Stantonbury 7.00pm
You still have time to climb on board so come along or phone me 316938.